Our Mission
Our Mission
Provide comprehensive, integrated mental health services that are evidence based, patient centered, and accountable. We aim to work closely with other care providers and the person’s social network to improve access, quality, outcome, and value for the behavioral health care services we deliver.
Provide comprehensive, integrated mental health services that are evidence based, patient centered, and accountable. We aim to work closely with other care providers and the person’s social network to improve access, quality, outcome, and value for the behavioral health care services we deliver.
1. Health care services responsive to the individual’s unique needs that respect the centra​lity of the person in the recovery process.
2. A therapeutic relationship between the person and his caregiver and the alliance that develops is the cornerstone for any healing endeavor.
3. Bringing state-of-the-art knowledge to practice by incorporating emerging knowledge informed by best practice and guided by measurable outcomes tailored to the unique need of each individual.
4. Sustainable health delivery system that is quality focused, outcome driven, and considerate of the person’s resources has to be patient focused, optimize self-management, and respectful of their values, cultural and social realities. We strive to put our patients first - always.

Are you a clinician who shares the same values?
Are you a clinician who shares the same values?
If you are a NH Board Certified Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, or Licensed Clinical Social Worker and looking to be part of a supportive and progressive team that shares the same values, we would love to connect with you. Please call us and send in your CV or resume to welcome@hp-imhs.com.